Day 5 - Listen - 7 Days of Meditation With Amber

Hello dear one, welcome back. Today is day 5, and this class -- Listen -- is one of my absolute favorites in the entire series.

You might already know that I love the practice of meditating on sound. I teach it often, because sounds are all around us, all the time.

But if we're not mindful, we can unconsciously block out the sounds around us, removing this entire dimension from our experience. Other times, if the sounds are loud or abrasive, we label them "annoyances", especially if they're getting in the way of our peaceful and "perfect" meditation practice.

But in today's class, I encourage you to open your ears to anything that makes its way to you. Resist the urge to label what you hear, and instead let it be part of your experience.

In this way, we can begin to enjoy the richness of the mundane sounds we hear every day, like the resonance of our partner's snore or the What? What? What? sound that ducks make.

I hope you enjoy!


Day 4 - Notice - 7 Days of Meditation With Amber


Day 6 - Open - 7 Days of Meditation With Amber